Well to be fair, over a decade of Tories gutting public infrastructure to give out tax cuts for the rich will do that. Will the population remember that, or just start blaming Starmer for not fixing everything inside of a year, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They’re all shite grifters. All of them.
Starmer just kills old people to save money. The public never remembers anything, and fewer and fewer people are voting because there is nothing to vote given that manifestos are ignored within weeks.
Anarchy for the win.
Tories gutting education over an extended period will leave the sector unprepared for an expected boom of children needing education… due to Johnson’s immigration policy of “just let a load of people in, it’s bound to boost GDP” (it didn’t). I’m shocked.
The fact that the Tories are polling above 0% is a travesty.
We are currently witnessing falling numbers in the primary phase
So there’s no population boom.
Most of this article is talking about a speculative boom that might happen and what that could mean.
Meanwhile all of the current problems are attributed to not enough staff and chronic underfunding.
What an awful shitty article posing as journalism.
Might happen vs predicted to happen.
May seem like a small difference. But its really not. It changes possible to probable.
That said. The prediction is based on no changes. So you know full well this is being jumped on by right-wing media that have other reasons for arguing the change.
IE its about rich not wanting to pay the taxes needed to support the future p opulation. So arguing for anti immigration as a cost saving that won’t effect them.
Confirmed. No boom : https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/uk-population/
Well it is the i, owned and published by the daily mail
Holy shit, you’re right. Well that has just plummeted my trust in I.
Actual teaching is not the main part of the job anymore. Teachers are being used as social workers, child minders, parents, filling in the gaps where others are not doing those roles. All of that is wrapped up in red tape.
I’m not a teacher but I looked into it a few years ago. After having our own kids late in life I got to see the hell that teachers go through and many leave for new careers.
All of this on top of the debt that people take on to pay for the training, on top of the debt taken on for a degree.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that this is happening.
Ah yes, it’s the immigrants’ fault that education has been underfunded for years and teaching is such a woefully underpaid career. Definitely the immigrants’ fault. No no don’t look at the last 14 years of Tory rule that included austerity!