Teleport 7in away, un governable
I’m torn. Kinda curious about what oysters are thinking, but pretty sure Einstein could run faster than me.
It doesn’t specify Einstein’s age. Plus this ability would be priceless for people in wheelchairs.
Didn’t think about the wheelchair thing, good point. Anyway, I got a shitty cardio, during most of his time on earth, old Albert who have beaten me in a 100m sprint.
I don’t think he can run very fast now though 🤔
Looking 10 hours younger would go crazy as an autopsy thing in a murder mystery
for me 🤔it’s a toss up between 1 and 2.
1 can lead me to pearls = money 2 I can create a gravel for sale business = money.
I guess I choose 1 just to communicate with something weird. 2 is the easier one.
Just because you can communicate with them doesn’t mean they want to talk to you.
you don’t know if I’m into that sort of thing.
Free gravel. That’s building material. You can always sell building material.
But then you would never learn the secrets of the oysters.
secrets of the oysters.
Yo, this dirty ocean water be bussin’
Pretty sure the only thing oysters will say to you is “fuck off”.
I could make them talk.
I cannot tell you how many ways free gravel for life would help me, but it’s definitely a lot
Pun not intended
But if it’s free, you can’t sell it. Otherwise it would no longer be free.
Free for me, not for thee.
In a world where some people can control toasters with their mind, free gravel disappears as soon as you put a price tag on it. I’m sorry if you don’t like that, but I don’t make the rules.
I don’t make the rules.
Really? Because that rule wasn’t in the original question and you just made it up.
The original question also doesn’t state that gravity attracts everything but oysters or that Albert Einstein has two runny noses. But that’s how it is. These are just the basic rules of the fantasy pill world. Everybody knows that (at least I thought so).
With comprehension like that You could be a financial advisor for the US government.
In order to do that I’d have to take 💊 № 1 though, so I’d be able to communicate with people who are sℏellfish.
I shall abuse these toaster powers thoroughly and for my own amusement. Every toaster on the planet will go off at the same time!
toaster control, if there’s no limits I can fire toast as fast as a bullet
Being able to see inside empty containers has its uses because you can always check if you can see into it and know something’s in it. Knowing IF something has contents can be plenty useful.
Who defines what is a toaster? Could the whole universe be considered one since it heats up bread? Yes, it does some other stuff in the process but so do some other toasters.
Since we are toasted, yep
- and scan the sam artists with their cups back!
There’s no rule saying I can’t pick more than one so
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
I think 3 is the most useful. You can use it to reach things just out of your height range and maybe as a party trick. I’m sure there are other uses for it too, given enough time I could probably think of some other uses too.
There’s no mention of a cool down. You can repeat it as soon as you’ve fully materialised at the first 7–inch destination. Assuming teleportation is immediate, and there’s no refractory period, the distance limit is effectively meaningless.
Free Mike Gravel for life!
I feel as though there is money making opportunity in 8. The language is dead? Nobody alive who can speak the language, so I’d have more or less free reign to profit off of being the only person who could speak it.
Good luck finding someone to talk to
Best case scenario, I find some linguist willing to pay me to help with their understanding of the language. Worst case scenario, I’m the only person who can speak this language.
Also, if nothing else, I could impress people by being the only person in the world who speaks a specific language.
Sure but selling gravel has instant world wide business opportunities. Gravel is the better money making option.
A manga artist would find a way to make one of these the most op power in their entire universe. “I can fill anyones lungs with gravel with just a thought” or " i teleported 5 cms into you and severed a nerve in your spine that paralyzes you for life"
Shhh! Thats Elasta-girl’s big secret!