In either case (EU or no EU), we must push for the government to implement proportional representation, and that starts by getting organized: !
As far as I know, ! is the only online community dedicated towards this cause.
So a lot of the current work is building the movement, and getting those that already support the movement organized.
We know a federal election is coming up, and the more this movement grows, the more politicians will bend to our demands (as they should in a democracy).
In either case (EU or no EU), we must push for the government to implement proportional representation, and that starts by getting organized: !
I was already subbed lol, I’m also on the mailing list.
My MP voted for M-86 and I volunteered for them last cycle. I don’t really know what else to do.
I wrote this post about the objectives of the fairvote community.
As far as I know, ! is the only online community dedicated towards this cause.
So a lot of the current work is building the movement, and getting those that already support the movement organized.
We know a federal election is coming up, and the more this movement grows, the more politicians will bend to our demands (as they should in a democracy).
What is your affiliation with the Fairvote organization?