Well I managed to read a few paragraphs before it instructed me to sign up.
Well anyway, if that orange blob shook things up and made all things better and fairer, that would be a good thing. Sadly the prick seems to simply be all about slash and burn.
Watching here from Australia is scary enough, God knows how Americans are feeling right now. One can only hope that those 70 odd million that voted for him get affected in a very negative way somehow.
Good luck America.
No good endings, I think, no. And the level of suffering among his supporters will probably be a tiny fraction of what gets visited on some of the real real victims.
Yes indeed. We are already seeing the cruelty on display with ICE threats and raids, secret service going after 11 year olds, and just the incredible about of bullshit attempting to legally dehumanize trans people
Well I managed to read a few paragraphs before it instructed me to sign up.
Well anyway, if that orange blob shook things up and made all things better and fairer, that would be a good thing. Sadly the prick seems to simply be all about slash and burn.
Watching here from Australia is scary enough, God knows how Americans are feeling right now. One can only hope that those 70 odd million that voted for him get affected in a very negative way somehow.
Good luck America.
Oh, don’t worry. They will.
Unfortunately so will everyone else. I can’t foresee a lot of good endings for this one
No good endings, I think, no. And the level of suffering among his supporters will probably be a tiny fraction of what gets visited on some of the real real victims.
Yes indeed. We are already seeing the cruelty on display with ICE threats and raids, secret service going after 11 year olds, and just the incredible about of bullshit attempting to legally dehumanize trans people