I literally record every work conversation so I can go back to it when I zone out.
I even record my personal conversations. After Samsung added AI transcriptions, I have become a better person.
And I keep zoning out in the exact same place too…
I wonder if it’s really ADHD, or it is just that it is human nature to learn better by doing the task themselves, instead of simply listening. The expression “practice makes perfect” is indeed true. The connections between brain cells thicken and strengthen the more you repeat a task.
Errrgh it took me three attempts to read that
My problem is that I hyperfocus and endlessly strategise but then forget in between turns so that every move takes me way too long, and then I always win, so I find playing games with people only makes them hate me :(
I think this might be why I got into competitive online games; it seems like one off the few ways to get everybody at least thinking about it in the same way
“For the love of god, please write it down so I can review the rules… Yes, including the house rules… Not only because I don’t want you to change up the rules on me suddenly, it’s because I’d had forgotten what are the rules and what aren’t BS made up during…”
That’s me if someone plays a new board game with me
I’m an adult now but I think I have ADHD, like this for example someone could be explaining something important to me but my mind is off in a dozen different places missing everything
One of the main factors that made me decide to go get a diagnosis at 30 is I would ask a coworker a question and struggle, I mean REALLY struggle to stay focused just to hear the answer to the question I just asked them. Like, I asked them, wtf belrsin??? Sometimes corrections in sleep and diet can make a difference here and there, at least for me, but if you’ve tried everything and literally are suffering from it, go get checked. Because if you do, and get medicated, you’ll feel like a god damn superhero. It is insane the difference it makes when you’ve been dealing with your symptoms for decades.
I am the best at not understanding the game but winning the game anyway.
Dont worry. I’ll get after a couple of rounds…
Dont worry it’s real easy
Middle aged man. Who has always wished I could play 40K. But my memory issues and adhd make it impossible on my own and I don’t know anyone to ask about it.
Even in my country and out in nowhere they have game shops now where you can just go and you will meet enthusiastic people that will be thrilled that you want.
Try battletech!
Snorky: I, King Snorky, hereby banish all humans to the sea!
Moe: I tuned out. Where are we going?
SimpsonsI love boardgames, but learning new ones (especially if you are playing a friend/family’s game they are trying to teach you) is so bloody painful. I wish I knew ahead of time what the game will be so I can pre-learn the rules on my own.
When I first started dating my current bf, he brought out Kingdom Builder. We played, it was fun, he got excited that he found a game I enjoyed. Excited enough that he went ahead and bought the rest of the expansions.
Next time we got together to play games, I got REALLY confused and struggled because the rules changed. A big lesson was learned in that moment lol. I struggled overall for a while because everytime we played a game and I felt like I was just starting to get it, some aspect of the game would change and I felt like I was starting over again. In time we’ve found some compromises that work for us though. Legacy games FTW!
I just ask what I do on my turn.
Let’s play a practice round
Or “wait can I see the rules real quick?” and just skim through the bits my brain is missing.
This. Your explanation made sense to you but glossed over the interplay of a few variables and nuances I need to fully grasp the intent. I need to see the instructions in context to get it.
It’s about the cones.
It’s also that I got like 90% of that, even if it feels like less