god I hate how neoliberals write stuff like this. The entire press release says nothing functional, except “the cbc is important” and then some easily fluffed assertions about what their plan ‘would do’. It’s really clearly written to avoid anything too committal.
The CBC came out already saying they want to see their funding doubled so they can provide even more journalism and provide CBC gems ith no ads without the paid option.
Sure, I’m all for increasing funding to the CBC. Just complaining about how neoliberals do everything. If the minister wants to increase funding to the CBC, say it in the press release. If she doesn’t, say it. This cagey say-nothing fluff is bullshit and people should find it offensive.
It had been said before… Like a month ago. And how can they promise anything when parliament is prorouged? There’s a limit to what the federal government can and cannot do without parliament right now.
It was what she wanted to SEE. Very clearly messaging towards people to not vote conservative aka the party that wants to completely dismantle it. Why are you getting so worked up over this lol
The NDP will invest in Canadian journalism and CBC/Radio-Canada
Heritage minister’s vision for a better CBC/Radio-Canada: a clear choice for Canada’s future
god I hate how neoliberals write stuff like this. The entire press release says nothing functional, except “the cbc is important” and then some easily fluffed assertions about what their plan ‘would do’. It’s really clearly written to avoid anything too committal.
The CBC came out already saying they want to see their funding doubled so they can provide even more journalism and provide CBC gems ith no ads without the paid option.
Sure, I’m all for increasing funding to the CBC. Just complaining about how neoliberals do everything. If the minister wants to increase funding to the CBC, say it in the press release. If she doesn’t, say it. This cagey say-nothing fluff is bullshit and people should find it offensive.
Here is a video of current Liberal heritage minister Pascal St-Onge saying she wants to change the funding formula and bring per capita funding up to the G7 average, up to $62/person, doubling it. Relevant part starts around 1 minute in.
It remains to be seen whether Mark Carney will be receptive to this.
It had been said before… Like a month ago. And how can they promise anything when parliament is prorouged? There’s a limit to what the federal government can and cannot do without parliament right now.
Not everything is a “NeOLIbeRaLs” problem.
Then don’t release a press release and a plan? Your comment doesn’t make sense in context.
It was what she wanted to SEE. Very clearly messaging towards people to not vote conservative aka the party that wants to completely dismantle it. Why are you getting so worked up over this lol
NDP always for me.