I took a quick glance at previous numbers, and really it feels like the anti-vaxxers are the reason this is happening. Measles were completely under control even ten years ago, with only the occasional bad outbreak, yet we’re getting half of the worst national yearly numbers all at once in a single province this year.
And to make it worse, this isn’t a single isolated outbreak, but is happening every year. We’ve got a proven vaccine that’s worked for generations and saved countless lives, yet anti-vaxxers are burdening our already overstretched healthcare system by being ideological idiots.
Care for an illness that for which a person refused (by choice, not for legitimate medical reason) the vaccine should not be covered by public healthcare.
Disagree. I understand the sentiment, but would you deny cancer care for a smoker? Diabetes care for someone who is obese? Casts for someone who fell out of a tree? We can’t start denying heath care based on someone’s poor life choices.
It already happens. Friend of mine (Ontario) had to quit smoking and stay off before he could get treatment for his lungs. There was a women (also Ontario) who recently was denied liver treatment because she refused to quit drinking. Many surgeries are also be denied to overweight people until they get down to some target weight.
Climbing a tree, while not the safest activity, is a recreational risk that only harms youself. Refusing a vaccine that is meant to protect you and your community, because you did your research on Facebook, is a willfully ignorant act that poses a risk to you and MANY other people. People are too stupid to make their own decisions in regard to public health.
Requirements for transplants are not a refusal of care, it’s triage to make sure that the limited supply of donor organs go to the people most likely to survive after transplant. Weight requirements are also linked directly to survival rates… we don’t do surgery on people who are likely to die from it.
There are 224 cases in Canada as of March 1st. There are 222 cases in the US as of March 6th.
The US population is nearly 9 times the size of our population, but their numbers are on par with ours. Anti-vaxxers in Canada are a huge problem.
I took a quick glance at previous numbers, and really it feels like the anti-vaxxers are the reason this is happening. Measles were completely under control even ten years ago, with only the occasional bad outbreak, yet we’re getting half of the worst national yearly numbers all at once in a single province this year.
And to make it worse, this isn’t a single isolated outbreak, but is happening every year. We’ve got a proven vaccine that’s worked for generations and saved countless lives, yet anti-vaxxers are burdening our already overstretched healthcare system by being ideological idiots.
Care for an illness that for which a person refused (by choice, not for legitimate medical reason) the vaccine should not be covered by public healthcare.
Disagree. I understand the sentiment, but would you deny cancer care for a smoker? Diabetes care for someone who is obese? Casts for someone who fell out of a tree? We can’t start denying heath care based on someone’s poor life choices.
It already happens. Friend of mine (Ontario) had to quit smoking and stay off before he could get treatment for his lungs. There was a women (also Ontario) who recently was denied liver treatment because she refused to quit drinking. Many surgeries are also be denied to overweight people until they get down to some target weight.
Climbing a tree, while not the safest activity, is a recreational risk that only harms youself. Refusing a vaccine that is meant to protect you and your community, because you did your research on Facebook, is a willfully ignorant act that poses a risk to you and MANY other people. People are too stupid to make their own decisions in regard to public health.
Requirements for transplants are not a refusal of care, it’s triage to make sure that the limited supply of donor organs go to the people most likely to survive after transplant. Weight requirements are also linked directly to survival rates… we don’t do surgery on people who are likely to die from it.
And we shouldn’t waste our very limited health care treating a disease that was contracted due to an active and ignorant decision.
So you think children who have no choice in whether or not they get vaccinated should suffer and die because they have idiots for parents?