ICE just strikes as a band of barely literate goons. Forgive me for saying this, but this is a white woman and they went full Gestapo on her as if she was some variety of brown or Asian. Why does MAGA even support this shit if they’re just as likely to go after them?
This is fucking hilarious. You would think that the Trump ICE would at least be able to judge whether the person looked fucking white or not as a filter for whether to arrest them or not. Apparently not.
Hopefully she gets out and advocates for the others. Being a wealthy white woman, her voice has a lot more influence.
Earned some respect for ICE since they seemingly don’t see race
I wonder if this type of cases are going to pile up going forward.
I mean they’re trying to deport green card holders for not supporting Israel. No one seems the least bit concerned about how much power ICE has over legal immigrants and natives.
seems likely
The article reeks of “this kind of thing shouldn’t happen to white people,” but at least Mooney herself is capable of empathy:
In one message, she explained that about 30 women were crammed together on mats in a concrete cell, with inedible food and bright fluorescent lights “shining on you all day and night.” She added, “I am going to be a voice for the women in here because what is happening is not OK.”
What’s a BC?
British Colombia
British Colombia
I’m imagining a world where the Spanish Colonized Canada first lol. Colombia is the Latin American country, “Columbia” is what every Anglo thing that uses his name is written.
Grew up in Colombia and people saying “hope we were colonized by the British” is something you get used to.
Yea, its a very common thought unfortunately. I myself used to think that the spanish that conquered us mustve been lazy in comparison to the americans. Then you learn that the North american settlers just murdered everyone and brought slaves.
fwiw: they started colonizing nootka sound in british columbia, but abandoned it the 1790’s as part of territorial concessions to the british empire
Lol, like “British Honduras”, now Belize.
Considering where it gets the name from, Culombia is how it really should be written.