The Carbon Tax was a major part of Trudeau’s downfall near the end of his term. Why did he have such a hard-on for the Carbon Tax? Why didn’t he cancel it when he had a chance and maybe salvage his political career? Why did Carney scrap it on his first day?

*Full-Disclosure, I never had a problem with it. I received way more in the quarterly rebate than the tax ever could take. But it was clear it wasn’t helping his popularity. *

    7 days ago

    I’m just an American that lives here, but I think he knew he was past his best by date in the eye of the public. The best thing to do was to take as much heat as possible on the way out. It was better for the party to let his successor take credit for publicly appeasing decisions. Poilevre is a snake oil salesman, and his snake oil was “Trudeau is the problem” and “Axe the Tax”. Trudeau eliminated himself and let his successor take credit for axing the tax. Just good politics.