if the image is pixelated for you on, i had a similar issue with a post on !
try to open the post on the original instance
Graphics cat
I tried piping the output of sed to cat but it threw a hissy fit and demanded kibble and pets.
My ESD sense are freaking out right now
Bruh this is a huge missed opportunity by the meme creator.
“chat” means cat in french, so ChatGPT already means CatGPT.
In addition “chat, je pète” which sounds like ChatGPT when spoken out loud, translates to “cat, i farted”
Le ChatGPT
Mistral AI is a french AI company and they call their AI ‘le chat’. If you enable dark mode, it changes to ‘le chat noir’.
J’ai pété, to be precise.
The learning rate hyperpurrameters are not the highest on the orange ones, tbh.
Usually, I have to let the cat fur accrue over months. That’s such a time saver!