People should be allowed to exist
Social programs aren’t communism
The system isn’t working for the people
I’ve changed my mind on this.
Let the DNC go full MAGA and when they lose, because they will lose, they get the heat and we can eject them forever. At least sit them in a corner.
Progressives, you fight if you want but I don’t believe the elections will be fair so it’s a win win for you.
Trying to shift further right won’t work. You can’t do “what the other party does” because they already do it and they do it better.
Find original messaging, take back the narrative. Then you get to tell the story you’re good at.
Trump does this exceptionally well. By spouting all kinds of shocking horseshit, the media doesn’t stop talking about him. This lets him dominate the narrative. You could see them panic when Kamala was nominated, because suddenly the DNC controlled the narrative for a bit, and polling showed Kamala taking the lead. That advantage evaporated as Trump seized control of the front pages again.
This doesn’t just happen in the US. Here in the Netherlands, the campaign was not initially but later on dominated by talk on migration from the PVV. Of course other parties tried to respond by talking about migration, which only helped to legitimise the PVVs talking points.
This is just the other half of the one party state
The…dominance of small-dollar donors? I wish.
If the small donors are dominating… Why would you abandon them?
Because they’re not giving the bribes that the big donors give. Politicians expect a high paying effortless lobbying job as reward for selling out their country.
So, is this finally time to give up the 1.5 party system and promote/vote independent? One party has fallen out of favor, another one is on track to do the same, now the first one joins in the nosedive…
When I suggested it last year, I was called a Russian troll who tries to win more votes for Trump or something. The fucker won anyway. What’s your excuse now?
Love America, stop letting extremists speak for us, get involved with regular people, foster community, and govern better. The democrats might have a chance after all.
The blue MAGA are here on Lemmy and I ran into couple of them. They keep shouting to the rooftops that the Democratic party did nothing wrong and berate Trump voters as stupid and ignorant. But they are tone deaf when you point out that the Democratic party is not willing to run on the platform on Medicare-for-all, build more social housing and increase federal minimum wage (and ditch Israel), which made the party unappealing and lose consistently. Basically, blue MAGA don’t want to go left, because even if they are socially progressive on issues, they benefit from wealth inequality because they themselves are affluent in spite of being socially progressive.
Edit: yep, the blue MAGA came out of the woodwork. They think Medicare for all, affordable housing, and increasing minimum wage are red fascism.
They keep shouting to the rooftops that the Democratic party did nothing wrong
Yeah I don’t believe you. People aren’t saying that. That is you taking the liberty of recharacterizing their thoughts.
im not even from the US and i see this shit constantly on Lemmy
I have been accused of loving Democrats for saying things like “what are Democrats supposed to do about voters who would let trump win?” It’s as though nuance was outlawed and people cannot understand that a problem can have multiple causes.
And yes I’ve heard all that about being inspiring. The reality is that educated people would’ve made very different voting choices. Americans are incredibly ignorant. Democrats can’t hypnotize people into not being idiots
What Democrats are supposed to do is sell those voters on a platform of meaningful change that addresses their fears and concerns. It’s a candidate’s job to win voters over to their side, and if they can’t do that, you have to actually ask questions about what went wrong and learn lessons from it instead of throwing your hands up and declaring it’s everyone else’s fault but the DNC’s. Otherwise that attitude is what will lead to doing the exact same thing in 2028 and getting the same results.
throwing your hands up and declaring it’s everyone else’s fault but the DNC’s.
The worst of the mindless drivel I find so incredibly frustrating. Things can have more than one cause, as you’re so clumsily trying to ignore. When voters need convincing to exit a burning building, that would indicate a problem with their mentality as well. I’m done arguing about this extremely simple concept.
The point is that blaming voters isn’t actionable or useful. It isn’t a lesson we can learn for 2028. And when that’s what people keep deflecting the conversation to, it sure seems like a way for the DNC to avoid taking responsibility.
When you ask the question “what are Democrats supposed to do?”, the answer is not “nothing”.
Rendering the voters blameless is ignoring a reality that necessarily is a part of strategizing moving forward.
When you ask the question “what are Democrats supposed to do?”, the answer is not “nothing”.
No shit? They didn’t do “nothing”, they did ineffective things half assedly. But sure it’s really helpful just to think of everything as black and white. It’s been working out SO well recently. Now, get back to defending not voting as somehow blameless
Jesus Christ, is this real?
Big cities have problems, but they are still far better off than small town rural America. There isn’t some specific failure happening in large cities, you’re seeing the broad inevitable enshittification of Capitalism as a system.
Democrats must be some serious masochists, they would actually rather take the blame thenselves than admit capitalism is wrong.
DNC: we tried bootlicking billionaires and it didn’t work, what if we double down on bootlicking billionaires even harder.
The top of the Democratic party basically wants to become the party of big money and try and steal this mantle from the Republicans.
Obviously, this isn’t going to work because the donors will just go for the party that will give them more, and they will always be the Republicans party.
This is basically just the campaign advisors trying to get as much money into the campaigns as possible, because they get a cut of every ad buy. They’re not interested in making things better for the people, just looking at their bottom line.