“Ads keep our content free to you to enjoy, please allow ads.”
** Allowing ads to the site **
LOL!! You fell for it!!! You need to subscribe too, LOL!
“Ads keep our content free to you to enjoy, please allow ads.”
** Allowing ads to the site **
LOL!! You fell for it!!! You need to subscribe too, LOL!
Calling a news site terrorist for asking for payment for the articles they write in the current political landscape sounds so… first-world-problems.
Running malware on someone else’s computer does not exactly make you the good one.
Big reach from running ads to it being malware
The overwhelming majority of ads are malware. Which is why I block aggressively and refuse to budge on that.
I didn’t say ads can’t contain malware, but it’s a bit of a “(some) internet malware is ads, but not all ads are malware” scenario, it’s very dependent on who they get the ads from and how tight those ads get reviewed. Broad statements like that are just ignorant, and I say that as someone who uses an adblock on all of their devices.