Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
The culture of “real” hip-hop is basically crime culture, within that crime culture the same methods of of fascist control are used. Like the way rappers attack one another and try to control people. Gangs intertwined with the culture. Gangs are fascist, they are Nazis, they abuse people for their own personal gains. Rappers are often a voice for that sort of shitty behavior.
Just listen to any “gangster rap” they are all authoritarians raping other people’s lives.
(Very generalized)
“Very generalized” uhh, can you give some examples? Like, maybe if you squint at the 90’s West Coast/East Coast rivalry, but not really?
Fuck that shit. Listen to Danny, Tech, RTJ. Fucking MF DOOM and Ace Rock if you want to go back. Hip hop is punk as fuck and anti fascist.
Gangsta rap culture has its roots in generational poverty and the Reagan-inflicted crack epidemic.
There’s a conspiracy theory going around that the music industry execs colluded to heavily promote gangsta rap over social-conscious rap during the 90’s, so that young black people would turn to a life of crime and fill up prisons, as they had recently invested in the nascent private prison industry.
The only “proofs” are anonymous testimonies by self-described industry insiders, but the fact that rap wasn’t always about gangsta culture is real.
Honestly I fully believe it, especially since black people who get into music are pushed towards Rap and Hip Hop by their labels being told “This is the only black music that will sell”
Women of all colors have similar things done with them, usually getting pushed into love songs. - Korn actually made a music video with black celebrities as stand-ins for the band solely to send the message of “If we were black, this song couldn’t exist because the industry is just that racist.”
And I think it’s common knowledge that the song “Love Song”, was specifically in rebellion to the artist in question being told that women HAVE to do love songs.
If you told me that Suge Knight was responsible for the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, I’d believe you.