Ah, but they don’t work too serve us. They work to serve corporations and billionaires. We can fix that, but it will take a lot of relentless work and vigilance, before, during and after fixing it.
A core democrat stance is removing Citizens United, so it really doesn’t align with your alternative facts.
A core democrat stance is removing Citizens United
And what have they done toward making that happen?
Now let’s hear how there is never any such thing as a Democratic majority.
The fact that Democrats should be raising their voices as loudly as possible against this admin’s moves but instead a sizable 10 of them voted to censure the 1 Democrat who tried to in fact do that, tells you everything about the Democrats’ plans.
At this point, there are only a handful of them who are rallying their constituents and speaking out about this admin’s atrocities, but the majority is completely MIA. Then they wonder why their voters are MIA during the elections.
10 in the house, out of 215 or 214 depending on the exact time of death of Sylvester Turner, not really sizable imo. Also, since there were 0 Republican Nays, it would have passed regardless.
Give those 10 a piece of your mind, yes, but it’s not sizable or impactful at all.
It should have been zero. Stop making excuses.
The point you seem to be missing is that you’re using the actions of ten to condemn the whole party, which isn’t reasonable.
I don’t accept excuses. It should have been zero. democrats expect unthinking lockstep from their voters no matter what they do, so I expect them to vote with the party.
All of them.
That doesn’t make sense. How can you blame the party for party members defying the party line?
If they accept it when it’s legislators doing it, they don’t get to demand it from voters.
What does that even mean?
At this point a total collapse of the USA’s 2-party-system seems the best of all realistic alternatives.
Because the Dems getting their shit together in less than 4 years certainly isn’t realistic.
We don’t have a two party system. Jesus fucking Christ. Anyone who thinks this doesn’t understand the system well enough to be making suggestions.
You’re totally right. We don’t have a two party system, we have a system where only two parties are large enough to win any kind of influence.
Unfortunately, the two party system right now can probably only collapse into a one party system.
The two party system can’t collapse without taking the whole government down with it. It’s baked into the constitution. Not in words as such, but in mathematical reality. I just want to be real about “realistic outcomes.” Fix the parties or rewrite the whole fucking shebang.
And that second option—there is a lot unsaid there about how that comes about, but it’s not by everyone embracing universal brotherhood and sisterhood and mutually agreeing on a better way.
The two party system can collapse. It has several times before. What needs to happen is for the Democratic Party to go the way of the Whigs.
With the Whigs, there was a total realignment of politics based on the single issue of slavery, which led to immediate civil war. That doesn’t seem like it really contradicts my point.
The US government is like a beat up old car we try to keep on the road with Lucasoil and duct tape. We’ve needed to fix it a long time ago but we didn’t.
The car will eventually stop working and leave us stranded if we do nothing, but we also can’t afford to leave it at the mechanic for a week because we need to get to work in the morning.
The government will fall, people will be hurt by it, and we will have to make something new - note I didn’t say better - and it will happen at the least opportune time.
Ok, but now imagine the car was built by slavers to violent protect their disgusting privilege. Is it still worth “fixing”?
Let me know when you find a country that hasn’t done any horrible shit ever
Let me know if you ever stop accepting that as justification for continuing to do horrible shit.
Ostensibly we’d have replaced those parts by now as part of basic maintenance
Couldn’t agree more. Especially that last part. New doesn’t mean better. We can hope.
I understand people being frustrated. Who isn’t. But these people lash out like children are just as bad as the people who caused this. It’s like our collective getaway car is a rusty Ford Pinto and they’re like “fuck that thing, burn it down!”
My man, that was our getaway car from fascism. Was that your intention?
Your getaway car is on blocks.
If the new government is anything like new cars then every basic function will be behind a laggy touch screen and the government will track our every movement and sell it to insurance companies.
How much of the new government will end up being subscription-based?
EDIT: spelling correction
It’s all a racket. The parties work together
I’ll keep saying this: it’s precious that people still believe The Constitution has any sway and that we are a country of laws. That ship has sailed over the horizon.
I agree, Republicans and Democrats keep taking turns swinging their axe at the tree every four to eight years. The tree hasn’t fallen over yet, but it was dead a long time ago.
I think the democrats are applying the age old adage: “Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.”
Or they could be in the minority in both house, senate, SCOTUS, and white house and they can’t do shit besides filibuster and sue.
What democrats really do is “never interrupt your enemy ever because decorum”, though this adage would be assuming they actually consider republicans as enemies. They’ll point and scream about trump and then promote other republicans like dick cheney who largely have the same policies as trump but who act according to decorum better.
This has a better chance at working if it’s addressed to Santa Clause.
As long as we keep asking democrats to solve problems we deserve what we get. They have proved incompetence regularly since the Obamacare public option blunder (and longer than that) when the opportunity was there to make radical change.
When they hold office, they have no power. When they are out of office they cry about the power the other side has magically found. They always vote resoundingly in favor of war, lowering taxes on the rich/corporations, and their own salary increases while giving us all the parliamentarian middle finger.
And no you are not taking over or changing the party as it’s owned by the people who don’t want to help you.
Time to start fresh.
Blaming Democrats for… Not being shit compared to Republicans and MAGA? This is some next level stupidity. The fact is, propaganda is everywhere and most Americans are stupid. It’s the perfect combination. GTFO of here.
We can absolutely blame Democrats. They were the incumbent party, typically an enormous advantage, and squandered it. The lesser of two evils wasn’t lesser enough. They didn’t even run primaries when they dropped their incumbent president, so I can’t even pretend the shame is on me.
Stop pretending there are rules. They didn’t do this thing or the other and lost because of it. No, they lost because the rules no longer apply and, again, Americans are stupid. Stupid people soak up Fox news lies without a second thought, and that’s all it takes.
Bingo. They’re victim blaming to be divisive. The real problem has nothing to do with Democrats.
We need a 3rd party thats not completely bought off.
we don’t need the democrats. they will never step up. they have had so many chances. if anyone remembers the 2000 election, you’ll know that this is all kind of their fault. they won an election, and gave it up because the nazis threw a fucking fit.
if you want leadership, pick up a fucking banner. you are the government now. and you should be fucking pissed about that.
We need the Democrats. We need 60 in the senate. That’s the only way out which doesn’t result in things only getting worse.
We need 60 in the senate.
And if they ever get 60, they’ll need 70 to do anything. They’re useless on purpose and you’re making excuses for them.
We don’t need 60, we need 51 Democrats willing to get rid of the filibuster.
We could have all 100 and they would still find enough no votes.
The Dems fielded a candidate with potential, in a binary race against the absolute worst candidate ever.
Voters chose a felon with a pattern of grifting and lies.
Those are facts.
Here’s the opinion: stop blaming the party for the people’s mistake. Just secede and be done with it.
The Dems fielded a candidate with potential, in a binary race against the absolute worst candidate ever.
I am sorry but this is nonsense. Kamala Harris’s best point was that she wasn’t Trump.
Kamala Harris toned down her attacks on big business, she made no plans to improve America’s health care system other than vague promises to cancel debt, touted the endorsement of war criminal Dick Cheney who wanted to invade seven countries in five years and whom was partially responsible for the deaths of a million, spent half as much time focusing on the most important issues during her campaign compared to Trump, and touted a Fortune 500 investment banking company‘s endorsement for her economic plans which made her look like an out of touch elitist.
All Harris brought to the table was “freedom” meanwhile Trump came out with right wing populist rhetoric and people seemed to like Trump’s rhetoric more considering that they have long since become disillusioned with the Status Quo.
Her Tax Plan was to tax the rich, if anything was watered down it was the media you were spoonfed without an ounce of skepticism.
The problem wasn’t her idea of taxing the rich, it was touting the endorsement of bankers in regards for her economic plans:
“is why Goldman Sachs . . . is why Moody’s, which is why Wharton School of Business, which is why 16 Nobel laureates, have collectively determined after analyzing our plans . . . mine would strengthen the economy, his would weaken it.” - Kamala Harris
Especially when the one’s that endorsed her economic plans can only be described as:
a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money "
Is touting the endorsement of bankers and Bush era war criminals really the most effective strategy that the democrat party can muster?
Its a strategy, not the best, and it should be enough. Hopefully they learn from this and do better, but it should have been enough. People should have been voting in record shattering numbers for her.
When even the Oligarchs think the GOP candidate is too dangerous to American Democracy, thats the canary.
Let’s hope they do better in 2028.
Uh, you missed a few steps. Like the people voicing concerns over Biden’s mental health and being told to shove it while the party hid him from public view as much as possible. And then when they couldn’t hide it anymore they still tried to gaslight us that we didn’t see what we just saw.
And then finally they succumbed to that public pressure when it was far too late to have an actual primary and rally as a party, instead being told to vote for someone who was candidate-by-default.
The Dems constantly try to pander to the right which only fuels their real enemy in elections: voter apathy. If they actually governed and gave more than lip service, they’d never lose another election.
Biden could have gone comatose at the stand and I’d still support him with every fiber of my being. Voters fucked up. The left is splintered into pointless divisions and petty ideals. Take the L.
Good for you, but still wrong. The party fucked up. It’s their job to win elections, and they had loads of opportunities over the last 10 years to act differently and chose not to every time.
It’s not the voters’ fault that a heavily corporate-friendly party doesn’t represent them well enough to reliably get votes. That’s some victim blaming thinking right there.
Good for you, but still wrong. The party fucked up. It’s their job to win elections,
What are you even suggesting? You’ve been exposed to so much Tankie propoganda that you think its the politicians job to stuff ballot boxes and fabricate results like they do in the East?
The dems were inifinitely the better chose. Tbats all they should ever need to be if US Voters weren’t stupid assholes who stayed home.
Centrists would rather lose to trump than win with a progressive. You got exactly what you wanted.
The first job of a political party is to win elections, because that predicates action on any issues they care about.
Saying we shouldn’t blame the party for losing is like saying we shouldn’t blame a mechanic for not knowing how to open the hood of a car.
It would have been nice if Democrats were in a position but we’re in a death spiral of articles like this being critical of them so fat fuck chance of ever winning another election.
fat fuck chance of ever
winninganother electionThe democratic party joined the oligarchs a long time ago, what they did to Bernie was evidence. Now they’re the part of the system that failed. If there is another election, the opposition candidate will need to be a grassroots candidate working to fix the failures that this election demonstrated. Every state senator and house rep will need to support that candidate or the system is lost. And this is if there is another another election. I doubt there will be. And sadly, if there is, I feel that due to Russia and the oligarch’s influence, it will be a sham election to keep fascism in power.
Yeah how dare they
*checks notes
Allow an independent on their party ticket who lost the primary by double the amount of votes, by 10 million dnc primary votes…
Didn’t Harris come dead last in the only dem primary for POTUS candidate that she ran in?
If you’re insinuating she would have performed worse than Biden in 2024, polls disagree.
She came in way behind Sanders…
If your shitty party wants less criticism, they should earn less criticism.
The Democrats feel like they are more concerned about how the utencils are arranged beside the plate than making sure people have food on it.
look up your local water treatment infrastructure. look up all the suppliers, and their suppliers, so you know who to talk to when you’re the last thing between your city and mass dysentery. maybe get some reserve chemicals and commonly broken parts, if you can afford it.
and figure out how to keep your local nazis from destroying all the infrastructure. they love doing that shit.
The Republics run the kitchen because a bunch of absent voters refused to help the Dems help us all.
The Dems weren’t all that helpful when they had power…
Dems have always been incredibly helpful.
From 2002 to 2010 they removed money from politics, until Citizens United SCOTUS decision took that away from us. Changing it would require a 60 senate supermajority for constitutional amendment, or 60 majority to reform the SCOTUS.
Dems gave us the ACA with protections for preexisting conditions and expanded Medicaid and Chip to cover 79 Million Americans currently. If we gave them the 60 supermajority without caucusing independent Joe Lieberman, or maybe even with caucus for more than only 72 days, they would have given us Public Option which would be so cheap that private insurance firms couldn’t even compete at all, effectively singlepayer.
Dems gave us green infrastructure and forest protections, investing in solar and EVs.
If we had elected Dems in 2016 or 2024 they’d be writing the tax laws, too.
The Dem president Joe Biden increased the sick leave coverage for class 1 freight workers from 5% to over 90% if not 100% over the course of his term.
If you ever expect any of that shit from Republicans, you’re an idiot.
How dare you say that on Lemmy, or Reddit for that matter! Democrats and liberal ideology can do NO WRONG in these parts!
Right? Look at how downvoted OP is as well as all the replies that are also critical of Democrats…
… Oh wait, it looks like you’re full of shit.
Oh they’ve been wasted in the back of this party bus for a while telling everyone to calm down and stop being so frantic and everything’s fine.
The democrats and thier party have been bought and paid for. They aren’t going to save us from the billionaires.