White Europeans are perpetrating a genocide on the native population of the land they invaded while playing the victim and breaking many treaties, international human rights laws, and the credibility of the UN.
These are IDF soldiers which will one day be remembered broadly as akin to “Gestapo” or perhaps just “Nazis”. Here in the video there is a gang of Israeli state sanctioned terrorists beating an unarmed lanky man in light clothing.
Despite the fact that there could not be an excuse to simply beat this man on the street some particularly depraved people will grasp for any excuse to hate the oppressed and glorify the oppressors.
The video is cut, likely because Israel will kill journalists it thinks might expose the inhumanity endemic to the nations sickness. They consider them to be acceptable targets because the journalists can provide evidence of the monstrous behavior of this right wing religious ethnostate.
For context:
White Europeans are perpetrating a genocide on the native population of the land they invaded while playing the victim and breaking many treaties, international human rights laws, and the credibility of the UN.
These are IDF soldiers which will one day be remembered broadly as akin to “Gestapo” or perhaps just “Nazis”. Here in the video there is a gang of Israeli state sanctioned terrorists beating an unarmed lanky man in light clothing.
Despite the fact that there could not be an excuse to simply beat this man on the street some particularly depraved people will grasp for any excuse to hate the oppressed and glorify the oppressors.
The video is cut, likely because Israel will kill journalists it thinks might expose the inhumanity endemic to the nations sickness. They consider them to be acceptable targets because the journalists can provide evidence of the monstrous behavior of this right wing religious ethnostate.
OMG, this comment is such a simplistic, woke narrative that has nothing to do with reality. Your Marxism is showing.