Looks like they did do something on those treasury and IRS computers after all.
Do I have to bury my money in the fucking back yard?
Y’all understand search and seizure as well before you give more credit to this. There are other avenues for legally emptying bank accounts, some start like this…
There are avenues for LEGALLY emptying bank accounts.
This isn’t that.
Well 1, that ain’t your money that money is actually belongs to the US and daddy Sam was nice enough to let you use it after you trade some labour for it
The IRS has been doing this for years.
The IRS revokes congressionally approved spending?
No. The IRS will go into your bank account and take whatever it wants.
Genuinely suggesting the government might access your bank account and withdraw funds is fear mongering. I’m very aware of the disappointing and alarming things going on in this administration, but this is definitely not something that would happen to a civilian
It’s not clear to me what they’ve done here is not worth fear mongering about. It looks extremely abnormal
“They would never arrest people with green cards”
“They would never send immigrants to Guantanamo”
“They would never cancel medicaid”
“They would never cancel cancer research”
“They would never drain congressionally-appropriated funds”
“They would never drain a civilian’s funds”
You think they’ll suddenly stop overstepping? You think they’ll suddenly grow a moral compass?
When my dad died ss went into my parents joint bank account and withdrew the amount of his latest payment. It’s not just fear mongering. It is possible. I don’t think even this administration is ballsy enough to do it, though. The backlash would be enormous, and as another poster mentioned civil asset forfeiture already exists.
Also the money came from the government in the first place. That’s a critical aspect to this.
All money comes from the govenment in the first place.
Yeah. But it makes several pitstops before hitting my bank account. The government pulling back a grant or funding is different than the government taking $500 from John Q Citizen’s account
From what I understand, they were only able to do this because the funds were still sitting in an intermediary account and had not been moved into an actual NYC account. If the funds had been moved, they would have had to ask for the funds back from NYC instead of just taking them.
I can’t remember if my source was an article or a podcast, but I know it was a few days to a week after the incident happened because all of the initial reporting was framed exactly like this.
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