This. The only reason to keep it peaceful is the optics of others, not because you’ll be branded a law-breaker otherwise. MAGA will excuse unnecessary use of force, but people who might be sitting on the side lines are less likely to ignore it.
Violence was pretty common in those days. The problem with the German opposition is that they were waiting for a red line. But the nazis incrementally racheted up their actions so they didn’t recognize that red line until it was too late.
The difference being that USA 2025 is not actually a totalitarian dictatorship. It’s the “tipping point” observation about authoritarianism: there’s a point beyond which, yes, you have no choices left but bloody revolution or foreign intervention. Only a handful of countries in the world are currently in that situation. America is nowhere near it.
Good news. Just keep it peaceful or it will be counter-productive. There is nothing Trump wants more than violence and disorder.
If you ignore peaceful protest, then the inevitable “violent” protests are your fault.
It doesn’t matter how “well-behaved” protesters are. They will find a way to declare it an unlawful protest.
This. The only reason to keep it peaceful is the optics of others, not because you’ll be branded a law-breaker otherwise. MAGA will excuse unnecessary use of force, but people who might be sitting on the side lines are less likely to ignore it.
Thats probably what Hitlers political opposition said too. Didnt work out too well for them, wont work out for these guys either.
Violence was pretty common in those days. The problem with the German opposition is that they were waiting for a red line. But the nazis incrementally racheted up their actions so they didn’t recognize that red line until it was too late.
The difference being that USA 2025 is not actually a totalitarian dictatorship. It’s the “tipping point” observation about authoritarianism: there’s a point beyond which, yes, you have no choices left but bloody revolution or foreign intervention. Only a handful of countries in the world are currently in that situation. America is nowhere near it.
Unless they’re just going to fill up ICE detention centers with protestors.