It seems wrong that Fruit by the Foot is only sold by weight or by number of rolls.
‘You were so preoccupied on whether you could, that you never thought to wonder if you should.’
Before you ask, it’s 51 layers.
Thank you for this. I’m Californian born and raised, but this introduced me to the apparently prodigious Irish cultural touchstone that is the Jumbo Breakfast Roll.
Two eggs, two sausage, two rashers, two bacon, two pudding, one black, one white. All stacked like a tower on top of each other and rolled up good and tight. If you’re having some tea, the milk’s over there, you’ll find sugar in the bowl. Said she do you want some sauce on that, says aye I do in my roll.
Welp, I’m hungry now.
Logically, we now have to add the Wikipedia Omniroll to the list, which will make preparing one very complicated.
The world ended in 2025 when the recursive Wikipedia Omniroll consumed all available matter
Alt text is on point with this one (like they aren’t always)