They dropped the ball by not mentioning Facebook/Instagram, which started out as a place to catch up with people one knew and then bait-and-switched to a slot machine that will show you some random updates from some of them in between all the ads and inspirational AI pink-slime, and maybe let some of them see what you post if you work hard enough at grustling up your clout and feeding the zuckerbots with plenty of juicy psychometric data.
They dropped the ball by not mentioning Facebook/Instagram, which started out as a place to catch up with people one knew and then bait-and-switched to a slot machine that will show you some random updates from some of them in between all the ads and inspirational AI pink-slime, and maybe let some of them see what you post if you work hard enough at grustling up your clout and feeding the zuckerbots with plenty of juicy psychometric data.