some guy i came across hates white people and all of europe, and says “asians are the superior race”, that he hates animals and believes that people 18+ are minors but then says 5 yr olds are adults
not only this, but he told someone “you’re 15 go do your homework bro 🤡” despite apparently being 13 (but later claims to have studied at uni), hates feminine men/masculine girls, calls themselves a masculine girl despite being a guy, and calls everyone a “stupid asshole” for posting stuff…
“all english people like little kids”, “black, mexican, white and arabs are sub human rats” and he thinks there are only two genders and that people can’t be gay or gender non conforming but “supports” the LGBTQ.
somehow he has “many friends” and a girlfriend…
Sounds like the run of the mill troll account. Block them and move on with your life.
he hates women and jews, and is “anti racist”. sure…