all his tentpole characters are being killed off unceremoniously, and he’s giddy about it.
That’s the one thing that concerns me about Ford playing the Red Hulk, and really most MCU villains in general, is that we just get them for one film.
It’s probably easier to get folks in for one film, but I wish so many of them lived on longer. Loki was our original “big bad” and he got to have an amazing story after his defeat. Thanos got a slow build up with a huge two part payoff. Wanda has been the minor villain, then a hero, then manifested grief, then the villain and I suspect will someday return as a hero again.
Ultron should be always lurking around. Justin Hammer should always be trying to one up Tony Stark or whomever has the most gadgets. Walton Goggins was clearly working for someone, let’s explore it.
I really hope Red Hulk survives this film, ideally with Harrison Fold, but they can cast whomever it it means the character lives on.
Ford’s character (General/President Ross) has been in the MCU since the beginning with the Incredible Hulk. Not sure why they’d keep him around as a “villain” for very long, his story should be basically over now as far as I can tell.
Also if they bring Wanda back imma be pissed. Why “kill off” Wanda in MoM, just to throw her back into the fray later? Just to play with people’s emotions and its soooo obvious. They are desperately trying to remain relevant and it’s showing.
The fact that General Ross has been around since the beginning is the exact reason he should stick around. He’s seen everything. His opinion has weight. He has generally fought the heroes throughout the entire series. He should continue to do so. When the government makes one decision, but the heroes make another, what should happen? We saw this play out a little bit with the Sokovia Accords, but it shouldn’t end there.
As for Wanda, it the MCU follows the comics then Wanda will return. It’s not a desperate attempt to be relevant, it’s a comic accurate story.
Additionally it’s clear that’s the route we’re going, but it’s not like she’s just going to pop back into existence. Her story, coupled with her family, is being told slowly over several years. Infinity War/Endgame is the start, then we dive into Wanda specifically with WandaVision, then Multiverse of Madness, most recently Agatha All Along, next is likely VisionQuest, then I would expect something else, eventually Young Avengers.
That’s the one thing that concerns me about Ford playing the Red Hulk, and really most MCU villains in general, is that we just get them for one film.
It’s probably easier to get folks in for one film, but I wish so many of them lived on longer. Loki was our original “big bad” and he got to have an amazing story after his defeat. Thanos got a slow build up with a huge two part payoff. Wanda has been the minor villain, then a hero, then manifested grief, then the villain and I suspect will someday return as a hero again.
Ultron should be always lurking around. Justin Hammer should always be trying to one up Tony Stark or whomever has the most gadgets. Walton Goggins was clearly working for someone, let’s explore it.
I really hope Red Hulk survives this film, ideally with Harrison Fold, but they can cast whomever it it means the character lives on.
Ford’s character (General/President Ross) has been in the MCU since the beginning with the Incredible Hulk. Not sure why they’d keep him around as a “villain” for very long, his story should be basically over now as far as I can tell.
Also if they bring Wanda back imma be pissed. Why “kill off” Wanda in MoM, just to throw her back into the fray later? Just to play with people’s emotions and its soooo obvious. They are desperately trying to remain relevant and it’s showing.
The fact that General Ross has been around since the beginning is the exact reason he should stick around. He’s seen everything. His opinion has weight. He has generally fought the heroes throughout the entire series. He should continue to do so. When the government makes one decision, but the heroes make another, what should happen? We saw this play out a little bit with the Sokovia Accords, but it shouldn’t end there.
As for Wanda, it the MCU follows the comics then Wanda will return. It’s not a desperate attempt to be relevant, it’s a comic accurate story.
Additionally it’s clear that’s the route we’re going, but it’s not like she’s just going to pop back into existence. Her story, coupled with her family, is being told slowly over several years. Infinity War/Endgame is the start, then we dive into Wanda specifically with WandaVision, then Multiverse of Madness, most recently Agatha All Along, next is likely VisionQuest, then I would expect something else, eventually Young Avengers.
If death isn’t real, what’s the point of the movies?
If you know the character can come back at any point, it makes the story less impactful.
Look at “somehow he returned” for palpatine. Sure, it was hamfisted example at best, but it cheapened all of the previous movies.
What was the point of anakin sacrificing himself if palpatine returns?
What’s the point of these characters, their stories, their lives, and their deaths if they are meaningless?
Stories don’t need happy endings