Yes, I’m asking about where Hitler got the idea, but also you can see it depicted in media from that era. The fit and beautiful blonde had been portrayed as the ideal and the desirable so much in things like the stereotypical surfer hunk, and Barbie and Ken, and the chain of blonde sex symbol has continued through today. Where did that start?
It’s part of an unsupported alternate history conspiracy theory. About a prehistoric globespanning cultural Empire that never existed. Revolving around the symbol most commonly known as the swastika. Which no one really knows the origin of. Yet appears in cultures across the world throughout prehistoric time.
I’m beginning to think that the concept of “the greatness of yesteryear” is almost as old as humankind.
Pretty much. When you were younger you didn’t have all these aches and pains. when you were younger still you were in the prime of your life. When you were younger than that Your family took care of you Etc.
so does that stupid cool S, yet no one takes over the world over that
That’s just what they want you to think!!! 1!!!