Had a dream last night where I was on a road-trip and ended up randomly dropping into an alternate dimension, this short story is pretty much the backstory for how that dimension diverges from our own and is about 1/3 straight dream, 1/3 the random oddly detailed lore dump my brain gave me when I woke up (anyone elses brain do that?) and 1/3 creative writing to fill in the gaps. I’m not even am ameteur but I hope you guys find it interesting.

At the end of the second great war the Manhattan project had yielded few results, though the allies would go on to win the war the power of the atom would never be harnessed for warfare. Yet deep bunkers in Germany would reveal research on a phenomena known as astrological manipulation; the effect was weak, almost a parlour trick, the sun could be turned dark or the stars made to shine brighter but only from the perspective of a small area and only for a few minutes. Fascinating to the theoretical physicists of the world but barely of note to nations in the midst of post war reconstruction.

It would not be until the 1960s that those physicists would finally attain a shaky yet certain grasp of the phenomena. Project Argus took 20 years to construct, a joint project between the United States and Great Britain, part arcane circle and part particle accelerator the enormous construct spanned 200 miles of Atlantic ocean, suspended from thousands of floating stabilization platforms. World War 3 would begin on January 5th 1980, and end with at the same no and total casualties on all side on January 6th 1980.

The goal of project Argus, the total hegemony of a united British and American empire, was to be attained by demonstration of absolute control of the sun itself, and yet such perceived control was wholly illusory. The sun would darken to a cold cinder, never to return.

By the end of 1981 desperation would truly set in all thoughts of conquest cast aside in the name of survival, great furnaces churned dark smoke into a darker sky attempting to provide light and heat to those remaining inhabitants and the precious grow houses that sustained them. On December 9th, now known as the day of the red star, Argus would awaken once more from its slumber; Those survivors of the original test, those rescued from summary execution by a now unknown yet foresighted officer would do everything in their power to light a candle in the dark.

On the day of the red star Jupiter would burn, a feint candle in the dark. Daylight earth would not see again yet the feint red light of day was as a nova after 2 years of darkness. Life would cease its gradual retreat into oblivion, though much changed and much diminished it would cling on in the twilight. Some few plants were able to subsist in the gloom and so sustain what little life was left. In the cites those who had survived the apocalypse would now dwell forever in twilight.