Anyone else can’t turn Henry’s head left as much as right after the patch? The camera can go maybe 170 degrees to the right, and 90 on the left.
I’ve read discussions that 90 should be “more realistic because you can’t turn your head backwards” but that doesn’t explain why it only goes one way. Also, it you look around and go into camera mode you’ll see that Henry turns his eyes the rest of the way, not his whole head.
Anyway, does anyone else have this issue? Or a fix? I’d prefer having my head functional again but could settle for being locked both ways.
Mine (on ps5) goes to my shoulder on either side giving me ~180° of viewing. It’s less than before the patch which i could look all the way behind me but it’s equal on both sides.
It does to to the shoulders when the horse is stnading still for me. But moving it is unlocked on the right side.
Actually you’re right. At a gallop my left side vision is limited but the right side goes all the way back.