
The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.

The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.

Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.

    15 days ago

    Will Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart?

    It appears so.

    Our checks and balances within our federal government have failed. Categorically. Our government is not equipped to deal with internal threats like this. We have too many weaknesses within our system and too many individuals unwilling to live up to their oaths.

    That leaves it up to the general public. Right now, not gonna happen. Not sure what’s going to happen over the next few years. Things are going to get progressively worse. People will get more desperate. Violent crime will increase. These factors may push Americans to protest, probably violently, at levels never before seen in this country. That could bring about a positive change. But I’m not really betting on that happening. People are complacent. People are wage slaves. We’re going to have to lose our internet and TV and cell phone service before Americans get bloodthirsty on a large scale. Or if they seriously fuck with social security. That’ll cause riots.

    But if they’re even remotely smart fascists they’d know to do this all slowly to prevent Americans from noticing or at least to prevent them from getting super mad super quick. Like, fuck with Social Security a little bit, so people get mad, but not that mad. Then do it some more a year later.

    They’re not particularly smart though. So we’re basically going to see over the next few years if Americans can live up to our rebellious stereotype or if we’ve become meek and frail through lack of true hardship.