Plenty to praise and love about this film … but I think it’s worth mentioning how it’s also another one of Gary Oldman’s classic roles!
I remember when it came out, people were hating on it. I kept explaining that just because you didn’t get it, doesn’t make it a bad movie.
A lot of the things they did, particularly in editing, are quite brilliant.
Pro-tip: Next time you watch it, notice how the hero and the villain never actually interact with each other. The closest is when Zorg orders a bunch of cab drivers to be fired.
The part that killed it for me when it came out was it was called the next Star Wars (heck it may have been one article but I grew up in the middle of nowhere, kinda like Luke heh, but it was closer to Hoth than Tatooine), like I can enjoy it fine, actually a favourite, but nowhere near the enjoyment I get out of the original trilogy. Okay I’ll admit the original trilogy has a huge nostalgia factor but you don’t think of that when you’re like 16.
I do think it’s a really fun movie overall, super green.