The Daily: The Parents Aren’t Alright - Link

My crummy tl;dr - Intensive parenting and social media parenting shit making us feel guilty for everything. Previous generations parenting was going about life with the kid doing whatever on their own. Now we are on the floor with them always in their business thinking and preparing ten steps ahead

I’m curious what parents of kids 5+ think of this. At one point in the podcast, someone says, “Bigger kids, bigger problems is what they say. It becomes less physically demanding, but it’s more mentally demanding.”

My kids are 4 and under, so I’m definitely in a phase where they are physically demanding.

    5 months ago

    The thing that worries me the most is digital devices and internet access. In our house we keep tight controls on screen time and internet usage but the majority (if not all) of the other kids in their school have unlimited access to internet which means second hand exposure and there’s very little we can do about it. I can’t just stop them from having friends… it’s steessful