Teddy (left), and Sampson (right)

  • Noite_Etion@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Again, there is no database of dog genetics that police maintain in the US, unless it was created after 2021.

    Many organisations provide data/breakdowns of dog attacks, just because there isn’t (or you are unable to provide) a centralised police data base that lists this information doesn’t mean the statistics dont exist.

    Meaning all the stats you have are based solely on media reports of dog attacks and not actual dog attacks.

    Again you are making assumptions here, can you prove this or am I going to be told to go and find out for myself again?

    Your original point was that the police don’t perform DNA testing so how can we know, but you have given me nothing that confirms that. I don’t even understand your point anymore; It’s like you are throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks.

    • WamGams@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      Your sources are a personal injury law firm and a victim’s advocate website.

      Are they taking their numbers from media reports?

      Your first source says 60% of dog fatalities are from dogs with Pits in their bloodline…

      So mixed breeds are being counted as full pits for the sake of building a case?

      Which further confirms my statement that you do not have true scientific numbers to support your claims. Ambulance chasers are not scientists. I don’t think that needs to be explained to you.

      • Noite_Etion@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Ok so you cannot prove your original point and refuse to even discuss it. Got it.

        So mixed breeds are being counted as full pits for the sake of building a case?

        Can you define a pure breed pit bull? All dogs are cross bred, its why these umbrella terms exist. And because you can’t confirm a pure bred dog then all statistics about these animals should be dismissed. Additionally you are pinning your entire argument on a lack of a centralised police data base: as if they are the only authority regarding dog breeds.

        Such a reductive argument. I also doubt you read both my links considering how quickly you replied. My second one provides yearly breakdowns with incident listings and the source confirming breed, gender and causes for the attacks.

        Are they taking their numbers from media reports?

        Maybe read what was provided to you and find out for yourself.