another one is, have you had allergies since you last donated?

i know some people just say to lie for every question. technically they screen every donation, but it’s not supposedly a reliable test for something like HIV.

i’m pretty sure i’m just allergic to reality. sometimes just constant sneezing, even when i’m on an antihistamine.

obviously best to just be aware of one’s behavior and risk factors. do they do this just avoid liability?

    9 days ago

    When you give blood, often the “wrong” answer will just have them ask a followup after you submit the questionnaire. Like there is one asking if you had recently visited any of a list of countries of concern. I selected that I had because of a trip to Mexico, but I was still able to give blood that day because when they later asked which region, the one I had visited was considered safe.

    I expect if you had been bitten by a mosquito in a place where that isn’t a significant concern and developed no symptoms other than the itch, you would probably be approved to donate. Receiving plasma is less dangerous than receiving blood so I would be surprised if the safety evaluation is more strict.