UPDATE EDIT: https://i.imgur.com/5nM7cBC.png I got unbanned.
Context: I was making fun of a conservative who suggested everyone who supports Ukraine should join the war. In other words, I was making fun of a person who seemingly was the one inciting violence by telling people to go to war.
Post itself: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/ZeY9OMxwXB
I got perma-banned for saying I wish Marjorie Taylor green would trip and swallow her own head.
Funniest way to get permabanned
Yup I got a permanent ban for saying something about tossing a particular president in the wood chipper… only yo come across a sub where everyone was literally saying the same thing… like wtf
I got temp banned twice for quoting from The Godfather (I guess the algorhythm hasn’t seen it) and then perm banned for various Dt related quips and “ban avoidance”. Shit is exhausting.