Hey Dungeoneers, after two weeks I’ve just released the first patch for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v3.0!
v3.0 ended up not needing any urgent changes so I’ve taken my time with it. I’m planning one more smaller patch a bit later, and then it’ll be on to v3.1!
Here’s the full list of changes in v3.0.1:
Balance Changes
So far the Cleric is doing surprisingly well balance-wise! There are definitely some things to adjust, but nothing that’s serious enough to need doing in a patch. I’m just making one change to put a limit on ring of energy shenanigans for the Paladin:
- Holy Weapon and Ward can now be extended to a max of 100 turns at a time.
After v3.0’s nerf to the Mossy Clump, I’m going to experiment with scaling back its absurd upgrade cost. Hopefully it’s at a power level now where it doesn’t need to cost massively more than other trinkets:
- Mossy Clump upgrade energy cost reduced to 10/15/20 from 20/25/30. This is now the same as other ‘higher cost’ trinkets.
Misc. Changes
Firstly, two trinket changes that are meant as QoL, but are effectively mild buffs:
- Salt Cube’s regen reduction now automatically disables itself during boss fights, the trinket doesn’t need to be dropped.
- Waterskin drinking now more intelligently handles the extra healing from vial of blood, no longer consuming excess dew.
And some other things:
- Updated Translations
- Cursed wand pitfall effect no longer drops items if triggered via wondrous resin
- Feint armor ability no longer autotargets
- Removed support for runs in progress from prior to v2.3.2
- Removed internal code for old blacksmith quest from prior to v2.2
Fixed the following bugs: Caused by v3.0:
- Enemies getting many actions after recovering from transmogrification
- Save/load errors with sniper’s mark buff
- Incorrect shielding amount shown when using Warrior’s remains item
- Various uncommon crash bugs
Existed Prior to v3.0:
- Exploit involving unidentified crossbow and curse infusion
- Exploit involving placing wards on a necromancer’s summoning position
- Shocking enchantment missing valid targets in some cases
- Rare cases where bees would refuse to attack near enemies vs. far ones
- quick-using an item from a bag not using that item’s autotarget properties
- Alchemy guide items being greyed out in main menu
- Various rare crash bugs
- Various minor visual & textual errors
Thanks for the update Evan! My friends are loving the cleric so far