Devaluing a currency is a well known strategy to boost exports. But it might also be useful to reduce imports and build up a local economy. I am wondering if anyone has heard of any discussion of plans to manipulate the future value of the $USD? Will the government print money to reduce the cost of its debt?

    4 days ago

    There was this article recently, which kinda goes into the same direction:

    Although, I’m not really inclined to think of Trump as one with an actual master plan.
    He seems just to destabilise the market and although the dollar will fall because of that, there are still much international markets using the dollar - like oil, where the USA even fought wars to keep it that way

    But I have to admit, that I didn’t completely understand the linked article.
    I’m not an economist, but it sounded a bit far fetched for what currently seems to be happening.