• Broadfern@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    If it’s any perverse consolation people believed those stupid fucking conspiracies long before the internet shoved their idiocy in our faces.

    I grew up in a household with those conspiracies, including but not limited to Illuminati, wrist chips, and other flavors of end-of-times insanity. Grown adults spewing that straight faced made me lose my trust in them.

    I also grew up playing the game and understood it was fully fabrication, but also a commentary just like every other science fiction work.

    Idiots are not new, just louder now.

    • pyre@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      I’d say you’re half right. what i meant was back then it was fringe, and the majority of people didn’t take them seriously. the internet not only brings these people together but galvanizes their beliefs and spreads them. they’re not just louder, they are more numerous. and stupider.

      this is the most annoying part for me.

      even conspiracy theories are much more stupid than before. at least a lot of old conspiracy theories had some reason behind them. black helicopters, hidden aliens, multiple shooters… whatever, yeah you could see why they might have happened, and why the government would have reasons to keep those under wraps if they were true.

      now they’re like … trans agenda (whatever that is), covid to cull the population, covid vaccines to implant chips, 5g, flat earth (I know it’s old but there’s no way it was as popular as it is now)… just the fucking dumbest, most nonsensical, pointless, improbable and impractical shit.