This isn’t satire. This is someone I know. And they’re batshit crazy. Constantly posting stuff like this. They also have massive “I’m the smartest person in the room” energy.
Some context for you or anyone that isn’t familiar. This is something called Gematria. Languages like Greek had no separate symbols for numbers, they just assigned values to letters. So you could “add” the values of the letters of something and get a number. It’s basically a shortcut for the typical crazy conspiracy shit, and it picked up steam among the Qanon crowd around that time.
This is basically a free space on a bingo sheet, but is/was she into Qanon conspiracies like jfk Jr returning?
This isn’t satire. This is someone I know. And they’re batshit crazy. Constantly posting stuff like this. They also have massive “I’m the smartest person in the room” energy.
Some context for you or anyone that isn’t familiar. This is something called Gematria. Languages like Greek had no separate symbols for numbers, they just assigned values to letters. So you could “add” the values of the letters of something and get a number. It’s basically a shortcut for the typical crazy conspiracy shit, and it picked up steam among the Qanon crowd around that time.
This is basically a free space on a bingo sheet, but is/was she into Qanon conspiracies like jfk Jr returning?
It’s called schizophrenia, and there’s medication you can take for it.
Religion is really good at capturing those with mental illnesses and especially those without insight.
This is insane wth 😭
It’s numerology.
Which is like… astrology with numbers.
And you might not be surprised it’s wormed its way in some of the way-more-crazy parts of Christianity.
Also? A solid argument for why you shouldn’t mix crazy and meth.