Are there laws in the US about such conflicts of interest or was is basically tradition until this point not to do shit like this?
Laws are as good as the ability and will to enforce them.
Good point… I guess I’m still curious if there could be a way he gets taken to court for this, but probably now.
Because of ethical restraints, it is extremely rare for a senior government official, let alone a sitting president, to endorse a consumer product so explicitly. In 2017, when then-Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway told Americans to buy from Ivanka Trump’s clothing line, she received a warning from a government ethics office and promised never to do it again.
Gross indeed
Gross indubitably
Gross absolutely
Seeing musk, trump and a Tesla in a single shot just makes that toxic association so much stronger. I don’t think this is going to play out like they hope.
Plus, you know the boycott is working, talk about desperate.
That’s so fucking gross
Such a historical site defaced for such a purpose.
I hope someone’s dog shits on the white house lawn and doesn’t clean it up
Man can the writers chill? They’ve been doing the most unbelievable shit these past few days
this whole gambit was actually a 4d chess move by elon to brainwash righties into buying EVs therefore solving climate change and bringing about global communism. I never should have doubted you, sir
Next he’ll do the trick where he slams his dick into the car door
The entire French population: “I guess we’re going on a holiday”
Don’t make promises you can’t keep. :(
The French liberating me and the other non-crazy folk would be the best rn.
It’s a hyperbole but the proximity of an autocrat’s palace to a Tesla showroom makes for a compelling spot for some French-style sightseeing.
The Behind the Bastards podcast likens Washington DC to Versailles in a recent episode.
So the deep south yeehaw redneck GOP are supposed to buy EVs now?
I think some brains are about to explode…How long till a President ends a speech with “smash that like and subscribe for 10% off RAID: Shadow Legends”?
This is an insult to RAID shadow legends. They’re too high quality for this conman to hock them
He is already kind of doing it, just replace Raid Shadow Legends with Russia.
Surely associating the vehicles even more closely with the primary reason the stock is falling off of a fucking cliff will prevent the stocks from falling off of a cliff.
This man is one of the most pathetic human beings to ever walk the earth
Rednecks are gonna buy ev to own the libs!
I see Elon brought his body armor.
Rita repulsa zaps Orange Turidno. Laughs. Turdo goes Biggly.
The Dipshit starts flailing arms around, slapping multiple children as armor.
Power Rangers theme starts playing.
He still doesn’t wear a helmet, so…
Trump is for sale.
Presidents (present nor former) are not allowed to drive vehicles.
On public highways. I remember they made a fairly big point of Dubya driving a pickup truck while visiting his ranch in Texas.