I’m just some American dude on the internet, but strategically speaking, turning on one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, a country that’s also one of our closest allies, doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. We lose their trust by betraying them, and also lose their cooperation on one of the things they do way better than us? Seems like it hurts everybody.
But Putin likes it.
This is Putin tossing a quick thanks to Kim for the cannon fodder.
Were you asleep for the last 2 weeks they’ve been doing the same to Canada, Mexico and Europe? The question isn’t that it hurts everybody, the question is who’s next and what are you going to do about it?
I’ve been paying close attention. I think it’s important to focus on the individual cases as they happen, acknowledge who is harmed, and not just move on to the next thing. Trump wants us frenzied and confused so we can’t focus on anything, let alone what’s coming next.
As for what I do about it, I call my representatives about each individual issue separately, so their logs show constituent interest on a variety of issues. I attend protests and engage with my local government, I volunteer, organize, and donate, and I financially support independent media outlets. Thanks for asking.
Those are a lot of big words to try to explain to a redneck who just wants to hear ‘AMERICA #1!!!’.
You have to think in terms of pro wrestling, that’s the level of communication we’re dealing with here.
Then perhaps do something about it.
Bro do you fucking think we can just wave a wand and fix this
Is that what you’re waiting for?! Of course it won’t be easy but this won’t fix itself. The only way out of this is by people like you, ordinary people, getting up and starting to protest.
My advocation is for unionization. I believe we’re past the point where protests will solve anything. Though they’re still important for awareness, we need to have more tools, and I believe strikes are a very good option.
But the comment above ignores that the statement above is too late to repair. It’s already been done, and even throwing out trump and his goons will not fix it
Protesting works because it is visible. When done right it can create a groundswell of support from people who are usually apathetic.
Throwing them out won’t fix it, but it’s the crucial first step in moving towards it.
Free Luigi!
Comments like this are dumb
You know you can gather and start protesting, go on the street. Show your dissatisfaction with the current status quo.
I do everything I can, with the resources I have available to me. I vote, protest, organize, regularly call my reps, donate to independent media, and engage with all my friends and family on the issues whenever possible. What else, specifically, do you suggest?
Perhaps do something about your own country?
I have been protesting on the streets when I was disagreeing with my own government. I did my part. You can overthrow those fascists.
Trump really called South Korea “snowflake”
Wow. My country is in the hands of a literal spoiled child.
Of course they hate South Korea.
South Korea actually knows how to deal with fascist dictators.
It’s not just that, tesla is competing with Hyundai in evs.
So, America is going to miss out on all the advanced tech then?
no more samsungs?
Doesn’t Samsung still use Qualcomm Snapdragon instead of Exynos in the US anyway?
for thier flagship phones i believe its the snapdragon, i think. they use it for thier cheaper lines its exoynys, thier a-series
The biggest snowflake is calling someone else a snowflake. Sounds about on par with Republicans to me.
Every accusation is a confession.
And you’re incredibly cute.
not surprising. did you see how they threw that dictator want to be out. very bad precedence to set for americans. Plus with kim being putins boss its good to impress him.
Analysts read the decision as the US government sending a stern warning to counter the calls for independent nuclear armament that have recently been surfacing in South Korea.
Experts suggested the most likely reason for South Korea’s sudden placement on the sensitive country list has to do with growing calls for independent nuclear armament, which have been proliferating among South Korean politicians and conservatives.
So, the likely reason is that SK wants nukes and USA is saying “No”. Make of that what you will.
Also, an interesting tidbit:
The announcement explained that South Korea and three other countries would be added as of April 15 to the sensitive country list, which currently includes India, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan.
I couldn’t find what the other 3 countries are.
Oh man… Are we already in WW3?
I mean I guess it won’t be called that unless it really kicks off but this is feeling again like one of those horrible slow preludes that gets roped into the syllabus.
What if trump decides to ally with north korea? north korea is helping out russia and trump seems to like Kim Jung un.
Be sure to hook a generator to McArthur’s grave. He will surely be spinning enough to power the country.
No one anywhere would be even a little surprised. In some weird twisted calculus, maybe it would somehow mean fewer north koreans would starve to death that year.
Glad to see we are turning on all our friends. Well done Orange Turd.
Dude has a dartboard with allied country names and a second dartboard with 3rd grade insults, and I guess a third dartboard with the most disproportionate responses to problems diplomacy ever concocted.
South Korea should start cooperating and doing more business with the other sanctioned countries