Chicken shit. He just doesn’t want to get yelled at, as he should.
Chicken shit. He just doesn’t want to get yelled at, as he should.
Hmmm…you might be on to something, I don’t know
Damn, that’s tough :(
Ford said the meeting was productive. What was the product of that meeting exactly? They said: "Fuck you, you owe us! And we said: “…” What happened to your backbone, Dougie?
Do you…you mean he lied??
These poor people. What a travesty.
I mean, what’s the point of having Voice of America that advocates for democracy around the world once there is no more democracy to be found in the United States?
Does VPN help, in this case, to avoid geo-fencing?
They care not for law or justice, they only care for it when it serves to legitimize their actions.
They still have the capability to report on these things?
That would explain her wishy-washy stance on who is culpable for this mistreatment. Idiot.
That’s not what it says
Idaho is, has been, and will always be a racist backwater flyover country. I have never heard anything positive coming out of that state.
Fuck Alaska! Don’t like it? Go around.
“There are three ways the U.S. government is working to cut down that deficit, Paterson added. The first is a major budget resolution that calls for billions of dollars in tax cuts”
…ah, yes, nothing balanced the budget like siphoning the federal coffers into the 1%ers’ pockets.
No shit! The trouble is that he does not give a rats ass. He’s not here to help you, he is here to help himself. Americans fucked up big time in November, and now they’re going to pay the consequences.
Fruit bears? Is this company’s name Haribo by chance?
Afghanistan makes sense since they were responsible for 9/11 attacks…oh, no wait, those were the Saudis. Surely, they must be on this list…right?
We’re not doing Tesla