In case where you have a wisdom tooth in place that sometimes feels like it may have to be removed, sooner or later, then go get it removed. The sooner the better. If for the most of time the tooth doesn’t bother you or hurt, it’s easy to keep procrastinating and postponing the operation for years or even decades.

Trust me, the healing process is a wholly different beast when you’re in your 50’s compared to if you were in your 20’s or 30’s.

    3 days ago

    The tech has improved, it’s way better than when I had mine out in the mid-2000s. You heal up faster and it doesn’t hurt as much or for as long. But if you need it done, do not wait. The older you are when you have the surgery, the longer it’ll take to heal, balancing out the advances. I basically had to hold my wife’s hand through the surgery, which was only a little over an hour anyway, but now she’s really glad she did it and it’s over with.