Musk = POS Nazi wannabe!
Still a Nazi-mobile, still painting a swastika on it.
People keep coming up with new ways to keep their Teslas but I’m not buying any of it. I can’t tell a 3yo Tesla from brand new. The second he started spewing Nazi propaganda on X you should’ve sold yours. Don’t act like this is all coming out of the blue.
Never thought trumpy would launch the transbrander movement.
That is some Master of Disguise level stuff right there.
This is like trying to convince everyone that you are NOT covered in shit from head to toe. Whatever Brad! We can see and SMELL you. FFS
On regular Teslas I kinda understand, but who are you fooling with that Toyota sign on that ugly ass Cybertuck?
This comic reads from top to bottom first instead of left to right. It makes my brain feel like the bottom-right panel.
Controversial? Nazi salute = fucking disgusting
No controversy here.
I would use a Fisher-Price Powerwheels logo. No one is going to be fooled either way but Powerwheels were making electric vehicles for people without fully developed brains before Elon Musk even bought Tesla from the real founders. Gotta pay homage to the innovators in the field.
Plus, maybe some would-be vandals will get nostalgia for their childhood toys and decide not to piss on my theoretical cybertruck’s door handles. (Assuming it has door handles. For all I know, you have to pay $1.99/month for an in-app subscription to open the doors.)
Just a heads up there’s no c in Fisher if referring to US toy company. Just incase someone is looking this up who is not familiar with the brand.
Thanks. Fixed it. I guess it’s pretty obvious I don’t have kids.
Not a bad idea, really. The only way to save Tesla owners at this point is to sell Tesla to whoever is dumb enough to buy it. What ICE automaker has no EV presence and money to burn?
Sheryl Crow donated her car to a NPR station.
They can scrape the logos but can’t escape the poor life choice they have to drive around in.
Slightly less of a Tosser with a Toyesla.