How not just give up? There is nothing left, no viable career options, hobbies are pointless because there’s just no improvement past certain point anyway, no alleviation to the fucking constant hurt that’s AuDHD. And nobody gets it, nobody.
Any insight, other than “seek help”, would be welcome right about now.
hobbies are pointless because there’s just no improvement past certain point anyway
This is false for two reasons. One, “hobbies” aren’t just for improvement. They’re for fun, to express yourself and make something you find valuable. And two, there is improvement if you tackle increasing challenges.
I guess I’m lucky because I’m obsessed with my personal projects. They give my life structure. I’m not getting any interviews, not making any money, but I’m motivated every day by the ambitious projects I work on.
When a Autistic person gets burn out is it common for hobbies to start to seem useless.
When a
Autisticperson gets burn out is it common for hobbies to start to seem useless.It’s not even really unique to Autistic people. Anyone who’s burnt out/depressed will feel that way.