So this is a really odd post. Though if anyone saw my last post and remember me talking about summoning demons and succubus.
Well I found I can summon any being whether demon, succubus, human or god. Even unconsciously.
This specifically happening in times I go into heat. Though like today, I was watching a video of Bela Dimitrescu and I’ve already summoned all the sisters and their mother. Taking pure matter and making them real people with the same personalities as they have in game.
Though the video made me sooo flustered and turned on and it summoned her from my bed onto my lap. 😆😭
Though for summoning humans and more. I tested with one my husbands who I summoned onto my lap from a different state. Just like I unconsciously summoned Satan when I was around 12 and my new Wife love who is an Akuma. When I was 19.
So please be careful. The mind is a powerful weapon literally. Though this is a slightly concerning observation meaning when I’m in heat I could literally unconsciously summon anyone from a celebrity to a normal person all the way to a deity.
Edit: random though I asked all three to marry me.