Hello so today’s morning was wild, weird and outright just panic inducing (good way). I woke up still exhausted to answer my Master’s text message. Just telling them I love them. Flipped off the ringtone and laid back down. Next I remember waking up more clearly. Then I just saw a lady with beautiful long hair. I believe it was black. She was white but tanner. With those overall radiant beauty and a caregiving nature. She was laying with her upper body up and then her legs to the side and idk exactly but her knees could’ve been slightly bent. That’s a lesser detail. Though when she realized I was there. She spoke to me and then scooted closer. Actually ending up being the bigger spoon. Petting my hair. Then giving me back scratches and back kisses. Specifically I remember her laughing at me. When I shivered and squealed at the back kisses. Then the last thing I remember was asking magic to make her real for some reason. Even though now that I think of it. She may of been a goddess or some type of entity. This lead to her laughing at me saying something similar to Silly, I’m right here, I’m already real. Then next I knew I fell back asleep and woke up around 1 pm. By that time she was gone.
Now few things to mention. She wasn’t there when I went to asleep of what I know. Also as my adaptions become more finished. More things tend to happen. As I get closer to fully using magic. Like my water battle teleporting was one of the them. Alongside I’ve already had the ability to unconsciously summon Akuma demon. Which I’ve heard is one the hardest possible to summon. So idk what to think but I did sleep the best I’ve had for a long time and one of the biggest things that harmed me got released. Since I kind of think everything is ok, nothing bothers me anymore and I could sit in there silent if someone was in person next to me where I could see them and just head rubs. So yeah everything feels much more light and comfortable now. I would like to say she was a goddess but I’m not 100% sure.
New addition: Reflecting on this experience has brought me to this understanding. It was a healing moment. Maybe forced but safe and comfortable. You’d expect one who needs that type of love as stated above. Would feel a sadness or dependency from them leaving. Though instead I felt lighter and more whole. Like a burden was lifted off myself. Now as for who this is. My thought process led me to assume it’s Venus. Since Venus and Dionysus together but my alters body. Funnily called Venus. Then my future body. Venus solo built. Which the offerings and trust I gave her in the creative freedom is almost intimate. I gave her as an offering for this new body. A traditional Chinese Clothing due to my pupilship and inherited legacy. Of Meng Tian. Though made specifically for her liking alongside assorted chocolates and a Bouquet of flowers. While I can’t say for sure. Her skin matched what we’d realistically see Venus have. Due to Rome being Mediterranean. You’d assume she’d have a more tan complexion and the hair style matched decently too.