Democratic lawmakers, led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, criticized Trump for failing to address rising food costs despite campaign promises to lower prices “immediately.”
In a letter, they accused Trump of focusing on mass deportations and January 6 pardons instead of tackling grocery inflation, which rose 1.8% in 2024, with egg prices up 36.8%.
Trump’s administration defended its actions, citing efforts to reduce inflation by cutting energy costs.
Call him a liar. To his face. To his subordinates. To his mother. To his cousins. Keep calling him a liar until he understands he is the Dishonest Don.
He knows. He doesn’t care.
He actually does seem to care, a lot. It’s why he always says fake news, if he didn’t care about being called a liar, he’d ignroe it entirely. Losing control of the narrative drives him absolutely insane, it’s why the whole “weird” thing got him so unhinged.
God I wish Hillary hadn’t talking Harris into abandoning that strategy
Hillary’s campaign advisors who Harris was more than happy enough to bring on. These are people like:
- Her brother-in-law West, the CLO of Uber who told Harris to stop attacking big business.
- Plouffe the senior vice president of Uber and advisor to Zuckerberg and Clinton
- O’Malley Dillon, who was, (oh hey look at that) an advisor for, Gates, Zuckerberg, Lyft, & GE, and was the first non family member of Biden to serve in his campaign as well as Clinton’s
- Richmond who had to resign from his position in 2021 after it was found out he was the top receiver of bribes from the oil industry in the DNC
- Jeffrey Katzenberg, who apparently is known as the kingmaker of of the DNC for how much money he throws in which… What the fuck are you doing Katz, go back to making Quibi a thing.
It’s all of them and it’s purposeful. They apparently wrote 129 page documentals weekly about how Harris had already won while these advisors take pay in fractions of millions of dollars.
They pay themselves to talk to themselves to pat themselves on the back for having done nothing to change anything.Wouldn’t common sense tell you not to bring on people who already lost against Trump?
If they had common sense, they’d win more elections against the orange man who has no sense at all.
I’m so tired of Democrats taking “the high road.” The high road doesn’t fucking exist anymore and y’all are just fucking everyone over. Trump is literally on the road to destroying this country and Democrats are trying to do things “the right way.”
Fuck that shit. It doesn’t work anymore. They’re just accepting the premise of assholes. I hate to say it, but unless they fight back with the same kind of energy than they’re fucked. If you try and do shit the right way Trump will just undo everything with a wave of his tiny hands.
As Jon Stewart put it on an episode of The Daily Show following the election, “The Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are playing checkers”
Oh hey look the Democrats are crying about something but not actually doing anything
Hard to do anything in an elected government if you weren’t elected.
Roe v. Wade fell on Biden’s watch btw
The fact you’re being downvoted for simple facts makes me weep for America.