this is no surprise seeing as our last president was a big supporter of segregation with buses and schools
Still a very green banana.
this is no surprise seeing as our last president was a big supporter of segregation with buses and schools
gaming, eating enough good food, healthcare, and everything else a living being needs to be sane plus healthy is being priced out of existence
more misleading headlines
whole United States is and has been in a recession since Obama
food and housing alone have outpaced the minimum wage that has not moved for almost two decades
medical care is unreachable for most and with the pollution combined with the available proteins health plus morals are at all time low
we are in a recession and have been
title butchers any meaning the article is attempting to convey
crab mentality is strong in the United States here of late with voters blaming each other for the destruction of the country when the ones that truly fund and run the country are the perpetrators that have Trump on a leash doing their bidding
only way out when civil disobedience, protests, and voting do not work is for us serfs to revolt
there is a huge number of people not legally allowed to vote but people like you insist on helping our jailers like Trump to make our fellow citizens the problem not the oligarchs
not everyone lives in that kind of state here in the UnUnited States of America
Been pointless with certain cases getting highlighted so the public feels like the government is actually working for them every so often like those feel good stories on the news
coming from someone who worked with Trump to fund the jackboots manhandling the oil pipeline protesters
Walz is a fucking tool just looking for upvotes
Rights are only what the politicians’ check writers say they are no matter who is in office
Terry Stops have been a thing for decades and allows police to stop and frisk people, vehicles, ecectera without probable cause
People in the US think politics is just another soap opera on the daytime TV that has nothing to do with their lives just like watching celebrities and Trump was picked because he adds to all that
Biden was deliberately put in office to be a good step stool for Trump
see you are on the jailers side in all this
plenty of canaries like myself putting good roots based efforts in and always has and will be
our efforts are not battled against by citizens but our overlords
no group of votes decides anything in the United States because voting is a fantasy perpetuated by the tech and religious oligarchs that really run this country in order to continue the football politics charade
blaming your fellow sick because of no healthcare, polluted due to corporate plus military pollution, under educated because of an extremely underfunded education system, rights stomped in the mud citizens is only doing our jailers work for them
if we all rise we can all rise
quit being the crabs that pull the crabs almost free from the bucket back in
while the democrats watch us all getting trained by Republicans doing nothing just like when they have the driver’s seat
overpriced with no dedicated GPU
music, office work, porn, and streaming should not cost $750+tax we already have phones that do this and more
future US food pantry
he has that
“This dead chick looks better than the goat been tapping”
look on his face
and a whole 1250 pages about him taxing it
thanks Ortiz for doing more than even Biden ever would have done during any of his time as a politician
maybe real Democrats do exist
Green stood alone, with his Democratic colleagues content to sit silent and hold quaint church fan signs with words that called the president a liar and criticized billionaire bureaucrat Elon Musk.
no he does not stand defiant alone his fellow dissenters and the US dissidents all stand with you and we may be few but we stand steadfast in the face of tyranny!
need people brandishing canes as the new opposition symbol
she had multiple chances like at the DNC convention