Hello and welcome to the Weekly discussion thread this St. Patrick’s Day. We would like to encurrage you to wear green, and grab a starry plough flag. And enjoy this our weekly discussion thread
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Some positive news: there seems to be some pacifist movement emerging in The Netherlands with regards to an arms race against Russia. There is no real ideological line it seems but at least there is some resistance to the madness.
I updated my ebook to Android 8.1 and the difference is stark. It’s been 2 days on and only consumed 5% of the battery. The process was kinda sus, but I was expecting for my first try to fail like it some people said online. The second try was successful however c:
My main reddit account with the same name got perm ban because I share screenshot of news related to Ansarallah (Houtis) resume of blockage against Isr**l, supposedly for “sharing content of terrorists”. So yeah, it suck…
We are back to “biden levels of genocide in Gaza” according to Electronic Intifada.
Look at this incredible new species! \s
You may not believe it, but I was the one who sent Tony Greenstein the dissertation exposing the BBC’s negligent reporting of the 1930s.
I really appreciate your writings and research, it’s awesome that it reaches a wider audience.
I think Marx would really dig that How It’s Made show from back in the day.
Man who doesn’t. One of the greatest things to watch on a lazy Sunday morning.
yea, its a great way to fight commodity fetishization, it should be national television tbh
Hypersonics on Tel Aviv? https://t.me/PalestineResist/75000
Ding Dong. 🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪 ✊🏻 🇵🇸 🚩
City subreddit, Western country: ‘look at this cool park, public transport, building, cute cafe’
It’s only brainwashing if it’s the DPRK guys
City subreddit, Western country: ‘look at this cool park, public transport, building, cute cafe’
Don’t know if it’s different in western Europe or something, but here in Canada it’s “IMMIGRANTS BAD CYCLISTS BAD NATIONALISM GOOD SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AND COPS AND CONSERVATIVE LEADERS”
And also just finding out that apparently people in my city’s subreddit are defending the idea of unbanning fracking and uranium mining in our small densely-populated province?? Depressing shit man
Tbh it’s really funny how strongly people like this have been hating Trump for being American when these same people would be all over him if he was Canadian, their ideology is identical
Canadian jingoism is so fucking weird. I haven’t lived in canada for a long time but the other day I did that thing where I got mildly offended when someone asked if I was american. Guy back peddled and said “I mean like north american”
Later he texted to apologise if he offended me (pretty fucking cool guy) and it hit me how fucked it is that I still stand up for canada being “better” than america. And what is more fucked is that it is wired into me so deeply that I didn’t even realize what I was doing until afterwards.
So next time we talked I got apologise for my stupid knee jerk jingoism. he tried to say “canada is better and different cuz of healthcare etc” and I was like “yeah but they are still genociding their indigenous people, who cares if they treat their settlers better” and he was talking about how things are changing for the worse cuz when he was a kid a family could own their home and raise kids on a single salary and I got to point out that they could only do that because of neocolonialism and imperialism.
It was a good little bit of agitation. Its so cool when people are receptive to ideas like labor aristocracy.
Tankie therapy is back.
Went to a psychologist for a second opinion for starting my trans care last week. He approved it, so that’s nice but he also made me really self conscious about the way I talked. He noticed that I talk with a slightly crooked mouth. He asked why, and insinuated it’s medical. I said that’s it’s because of my autism and it only happens when I’m nervous. He also asked if I’m sure it’s not a by-effect of my DIY medication, to which I replied that I had it my whole life. He then shared a story of an older woman who had the same her whole life, and that she also said that it’s not medical, and that he made her question if it was medical.
He was nice the whole interview and then he pulls this shit. Now I keep focussing on my mouth when I talk and I notice that I want to avoid conversations more often.
Congratulations on getting approved!!! Very exciting, I hope it works out.
Sounds quite annoying to have to answer a bunch of questions abouut something you don’t want to talk about.
Lol that’s weird. It’s one thing to notice such a thing and he’s right when he might think it can be something medical but to insinuate it is is just weird. But then again doctors can be quite strange.
Europe already spends 2 to 3 times more on defence than Russia and has more manpower and vehicles but there is, apart from us, no party ever highlighting this.
I have heard from Telegram that war has returned to the Gaza Strip.
Reuters is reporting that israel did air strikes.
✅Wearing green ✅Easter Lily pin ✅St. Paddy’s event ✅Tiocfaidh ár lá
Lizzy’s still in a box.