Hi, Any1 have experience with this usb to TTL 6 pin converters? I just want to know if I have a dodgy one that I bought from Ali or normal behaviour.
Doesnt seem right. I have it plugged to a powerbank, following voltages read from pinout, without any jumper link.
5v = 5.3 Vcc = 3.9v 3.3 = 3.2v Tx RX = 3.9v
If I use jumper link from 5v to VCC, then tx RX = 5.3v, if I jumper link VCC and 3.3, RX and tx = 3.9v.
Thanks for reading
If i read your question correctly then you are wondering if the voltages you see are going to work for TTL devices. As you can see in the linked tutorial it is not just about nominal Vcc levels. Every chip is different. :)