• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    I swear, most of these people hunger for a strong daddy. I used to see these same asshats, even before donvict’s first term, using Vlad’s image on a horse as their avatar.

    You know, because Obama, while also a tyrannical Marxist coming to take all yer gunz and throw you in a FEMA death camp, also had a transwoman as his wife (because sure, why not? No explanation for where their kids came from, but, okay, they were obsessed with trying to spot a dong on Michelle. This is all completely normal stuff and not at all WEIRD, YOU GUYZ!) AND he used Dijon mustard and wore Mom jeans.

    Again, none of this is weird at all, no sir! And it’s definitely all “no homo” all the way down with these so-called men that want a strong daddy to come home and take the belt off for us “children” that apparently have been naughty while he was away. It’s totally normal he-man stuff to fantasize that donvict has abs of steel.