An old pic but a good one. This was the first venus flytrap to flower for me. I let it go since I had never seen one do it before.
An old pic but a good one. This was the first venus flytrap to flower for me. I let it go since I had never seen one do it before.
Nice! Are you planning on growing the seeds? My favorite part about carnivorous plant flowers is they all put them very high up… So they don’t eat their own pollinators!
This was a few years ago. I didn’t even think to start some from seed- it would have been a great idea.
Allowing a VFT to flower and go to seed can kill less-established plants. If you want more VFTs you can snip the flower stalks into 1 inch sections and leave them in well lighted distilled water until they’ve grown little traps and the starts of some roots. Usually takes 2-3 weeks.