• Eugene V. Debs' Ghost@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    4 days ago

    If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.

    Uneducated minds are great for a country. They do the jobs they are told to do, they elect those the media tells them to, they fight the wars they are told to, and they obey the laws they are told to do.

    Education can bring critical thinking. It can make people question anything, from the shape of the universe, to complex math questions, to themselves. Questioning things is bad for governments, of all kinds and organizations. Questioning why you’re doing something is bad for the company. Questioning why you’re following orders is bad for the war effort. Questioning is bad.

    Keep the people uneducated, struggling to pay for rent, medical bills, groceries, the children they were told to have by decades of media and governments having population issues from lack of immigration, they don’t have time to question. They can only focus on putting in the hours to stay alive. It’s work or starve. Work or be cold. Work or your children go hungry. Work or go bankrupt from debt.

    If you give the workers enough meaningful distractions from their poverty, they won’t want an education because it’s too much of another burden. Debts, schooling, scheduling, studying, reading, taking tests and exams. It can often be worth it, just for socializing with your peers, even learning new interests, hobbies, even better carriers. But the workers who need the income the most barely have time for cooking and sleeping at home, living on money they haven’t made yet.

    By ensuring that only those with decent enough of an income can afford higher education, it ensure those with more money can think for those with less money. The people who went to school for media training can now use it to propagate the new person to hate this month to drive the votes for something batshit insane, never thought possible before.

    It’s a good thing for this system to have uneducated people, because they won’t ever question what they’re doing, they’re just following the orders their boss and government told them to do.