Give it a chance. He comes at it showing sorta a worse case and then goes through how there are things that make it seem worse are actually not as bad. Nothing he goes through seems to be way off. So as far as I can tell its pretty even take. Not to rosy and not to doomy.
This video had some very interesting points. It also has some things I don’t understand.
There is this pie chart that shows that the global energy consumption for heating is 50%. This is the source of this claim from the vids refs. I know nothing about this source (I mean I did read the About section), so if you do let me know.
One source I know of is the International Energy Agency (IEA). According to IEA industries are the Largest sectors in final consumption in World (link also from vid) (30%). Here it says heat is a very small percentage (3.6%).
So, to say the least, I don’t understand why industries are left out of the energy consumption in this video.
Apart from that, he does talk about “growth” but as if it was an abstract term, and not a key element of the current economic system. In a way, I don’t know how we can have a talk about net-zero or powering the world without even mentioning problems like the growth of the production of unnecessary products, or about the planned obsolescence of useful products (instead of creating long-lasting ones).
I think the IEA chart looks into where the energy began, not what it was used for. The 50% number rings true to me, at least for the heating in cold winters. As for summers, cooling is a heat issue as well, so that’s where much of the energy is spent.